Friday, September 19, 2008

Bind - Write

I haven’t frequently blogged in years. In 2003, I started my blog Firetrky. It was a place for me to vent about being bored on Friday nights spent at home, the absurd amounts of homework Mr. Siefring had given me and the poor decisions made by my volleyball coach. I continued updating it, albeit more infrequently, up until leaving for Senegal. I don’t like to read the archives anymore because I am embarrassed.

In Senegal, my blog has taken on a very different role and I’ve begun really writing again. I think the reason I blogged so much in high school was because I had a lot of time to think to myself on my subway rides home with headphones in or sitting awake in my bed at 2 in the morning. Here, there is a lot of time to think as well. At night during the week, there is not much to do and even less when the power goes out. When this is the case, I write. Or I think about what I want to write. Or I just think and then maybe write about it.

With my blog it is a way for me to let you all know I am still here. It’s a very odd concept that everything from Middlebury to my home to my friends to the Ad Store to New York City goes on without me. I also have been taking ‘too many’ pictures here. With an audience in mind, it helps me to edit them down. But above all I blog because I believe that if you care enough to want to read about what I’m doing I’d like to know what you’re doing. So, please, if you have my e-mail address, screen name or skype name (you can look me up on skype if you don’t have it already), I’d love to hear from you.


Unknown said...

Dear James,
Maybe it will be with age that you will realize what a treasure your blog is and not be embarrassed by what you have written over the years. For your children, it will be a wonderful window into your childhood, an archive of a time past that they will know nothing about and a peek at a person they only know as dad. I hope that when I am an old forgetful woman, I will still be able to find your blog and wander through your archives, wondering if you were ever really that young and marvel at all your adventures through the years and smile at how beautiful the recent photographs of your children are. That you share this blog is one of the loveliest gifts you have ever given your friends and family. I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Between yours and Kat's blog, I am in blog-reading heaven.

I definitely think you made one of the best choices as far as going abroad goes.
